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top functional medicine doctor in michigan

Functional Medicine Specialists

Functional Neurology is a newer adjunct to traditional neurology that attempts to optimize the functioning of the nervous system instead of just looking for the absence or presence of neurological diseases. If you're experiencing neurological symptoms like paralysis, seizures, pain, neuropathy, and more, and a previous medical workup has not determined the organic cause of your symptoms, it may be time to see a functional neurology specialist. 

During your visit, a thorough case history and a non-invasive examination will be performed much like traditional medicine. The treatment plan is specific to the patient's current health and may include assessing copies of blood tests, x-rays, MRIs, or other tests. 

All aspects of the patient will be observed during the examination, including eye movement, posture, the presence or absence of abnormal movements. These when evaluated together are all indications of how the nervous system is functioning. Additionally, blood pressure, pulse, and reflexes may also be assessed. Care is individualized. 

If you're experiencing neurological symptoms that traditional neurology cannot explain, functional neurology may be another viable alternative to help restore your body to its optimal performance.  

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